Our Senior Leaders

Frankie & Oshea Vega

Minister Francisco (Frankie) Vega is a 2000 graduate of Rhema Bible College. For the last 18 years, he has dedicated his life to full time ministry, serving in various capacities to build the local church. He began as a youth/college campus pastor, to ultimately serving as pastoral staff. However, in 2006, Frankie received a supernatural dream to establish a ministry built on the foundations of leadership and itinerant revival dedicated to the body of Christ. Its mandate was to refresh and impact leaders and laity alike in the body of Christ on an individual and international level called “Spirit and Truth Ministries International,” a vision inspired from John 4:23-24.

As a willing servant, Frankie has been able to unite local pastors and community leaders. He is sought out to speak at non-denominational church events, as well as various high school and college revival meetings.

God led him to pioneer a city church plant called the A.R.C (Awakening and Reformation Center) in Atlanta, GA. He is a prophet by calling, and a pastor by grace. This has allowed him a unique acumen, bringing understanding on how to merge pastoral grace with practical understanding. God has used him to pioneer numerous discipleship communities; conduct campus crusades on school grounds reaching the next generation. God has touched hundreds of youth to be saved, healed and even filled with the spirit on secular soil outside the four walls of the local church.

His prophetic mandate is to release a second global AWAKENING and REFORMATION as well as releasing a new regime of radical roaring reformers to America and the global church; with the faith that they may return back to TRUTH (Sound Doctrine) and SPIRIT (Holy Spirit Power). Meetings are often marked with strong prophetic teaching, supernatural impartation, the miraculous, and Davidic worship.

For more information regarding an invitation for Frankie Vega to speak please visit frankievega.org