LOVE: (Intimacy over Amenities)
We embrace a culture of first love (Jesus) and first works (spirit inspired activity) as prominent in pursuit, motive and mission. Therefore we value repentance, purity and return to Jesus as our first love not dead, religious observance or routine. We will love people in all stages of sanctification in life.
(Mt 22:37) (Jn 13:34-35) (Rev 2:1) (Jn 14:15)
TRUTH: Principle over Preference
We embrace a culture of biblical literacy. Therefore we are a house that values how to apologetically answer cultural issues simply, accurately and exegetically from scripture. We value education, training, and intelligence. We believe the Bible has the answer for all injustice, and that spiritual justice is the key to social, civic and societal justice. Therefore, we are a body of anointed activists releasing a prophetic clarion call as ONE VOICE to the gateway of government. Its perverse politics and impure policies affect all mountains of influence first for the freedom of the preaching of the gospel and liberty of its citizens.
(Jn 8:31-32) (2 Tim 2:15)(2 Tim 3:16) (1 Pet 3:15)(Mt 22:33-34)(Mt 12:17)

ORDER: Kingdom over Corporate
We embrace a culture where our systems and structure exist for spiritual development, not merely idolize secular success. We emulate biblical patterns by His Spirit for significance. We do not imitate fallen philosophies by impure ambitions. We build HIS kingdom not a man made corporation or business.
(Mt 21:12-13) (Heb 8:5) (1 Cor 14:40)
HONOR: Christ over Culture
We embrace a Christ centric culture where honor is essential to operate in His kingdom. Therefore, we honor all legitimate institutions of authority without excess and abuse in line with scripture. We equally honor and respect each individual's worth intrinsically and equally as Jesus did. We honor what Jesus honored and dishonor what he lightly esteems.
(Lk 6:46) (Jn 5:30) (Jn 6:38) (Heb 13:17) (1 Thess 4:4)

PASSION: Worship over Entertainment
We embrace a culture where worship is not an appetizer, it is the main course. We are upwardly mobile, and value a vertical vs. a horizontal paradigm of worship. We cater to His presence not personality or people. We unashamedly embrace the biblical concept of Davidic worship. We believe in rebuilding its foundation in this generation filled with energy, expression being Christ centric mirroring creatively the culture of heaven.
(Jn 4:23-24) (Rom 12:10) (Jn 4:23-24) (Rom 12:10) (Acts 15:16)
COMMUNITY: Organic over Artificial
We embrace and value the church as God’s chosen expression for organic community and authenticity as modeled in the book of Acts. We rebuild the ECOS of heaven, therefore we are a house that values strong families, biblical sexuality, healthy marriages, and real relationships. We invite accountability devoid of manipulation or superficiality, in honesty, openness, and transparency. We have fun and enjoy doing life together.
(Luke 4:15) (Acts 2:42-46) (Prov 18:1) (Heb10:25) 4:4)

GENEROSITY: Mission over Materalism/ Covenant over Capitalism
We embrace a culture of being extravagantly generous like Jesus. We commit to financial partnership as tithers not from law, but under grace! We give joyfully, consistently, and sacrificially, by faith, as an extension of worship. We partner with God to further kingdom agendas in the earth. We commit individually to faithfully budget and steward His resources, we embrace wealth as our kingdom covenantal right in Christ, yet we prominently value God's dream over the American dream.
(Mk 12:41) (Lk 16:12) (2 Cor. 9:6-9)
LEADERSHIP: Servanthood over Self-centeredness
We believe the ultimate expression and end of all leadership models were personified in the perfect example of Jesus Christ. As His leadership and servant hood were infused always by His Holy Spirit. We elevate biblical and spiritual leadership over unspiritual or unbiblical leadership models. We embrace the true purpose of kingdom leadership: influencing people's passions to embrace Heavens purpose. Therefore we lead creativity, pursue natural excellence in all we do, lead and serve from the forefront in innovation, invention, and insight. We joyfully serve to be a hand up not merely a hand out
(Mt 20:28) (Jn 13:14-15) (Col 3:23)

DIVERSITY: Unity over UniformitY
We believe unity in the spirit is critical for unity among all nations, tribes and people. We embrace a kingdom over culture value system. That His will be done on earth as in heaven. Heavens culture equally celebrates all colors and the unique, multi ethnic imprint of all given by our creator. We submit all natural cultures to a higher kingdom culture. We place His kingdom above color, and see a person not a pigment. We are a multi ethnic, multigenerational church reflecting the biodiversity of heaven respecting and loving each other as one race. (Rev 7:9) (Mt 6:10) (Acts 2:17-18) (Mt 28:18)
EMPOWERMENT: Supernatural over Sensationalism
We embrace a Holy Spirit culture where it's natural to be supernatural. We believe accurate exposition should lead to authentic experiences and encounters. Therefore we embrace Pentecost as the gateway to power. We value training and equipping people in every grace and gift, to impact our community by demonstrating the gospel, to empower and equip believers drawing the unsaved and saved alike.
(Acts 10:38) (Jn 14:12) (1 Cor 4:20)