Folder Lock Update torrent download

Folder Lock Virus free

LockFolder Folder Lock is a large and comprehensive folder lock, you have folders and files you want to save, you need to check the Folder Lock. It is not a free application like My Lockbox, but it has excellent configuration options and many ways to store important and personal documents from a third party (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); How does it work? Folder locking provides several options. First of all, it’s integrated with Windows Explorer, so if you have a file or folder you want to lock, just search and right-click. From here you will be able to lock or grind. If you open the application interface, do you have more options, including the ability to lock and encrypt files, protect USB drives, CDs and DVDs, and email encryption, among other features? Folder Lock is a very flexible program and offers more than just locking folders. You can also create virtual Encrypted Dust to store things like address and bank details, and back up all encrypted data in the cloud. The Folder Lock configuration option is also complete, and the password is clear. Folder Lock is a great program. There are many free folder locker programs, but many do not have many features and ease of use. Download and try – we think you’ll like Lock – it’s a great folder protection program. We sincerely recommend it.

Folder Lock